Thursday, May 30, 2013

What is meant by electrical power

Electric power is the rate at which electric energy is transferred by an electric circuit. The SI unit of power is the watt, one joule per second.
Electric power is usually produced by electric generators, but can also be supplied by chemical sources such as electric batteries. Electric power is generally supplied to businesses and homes by the electric power industry. Electric power is usually sold by the kilowatt hour (3.6 MJ) which is the product of power in kilowatts multiplied by running time in hours.

Definition [edit]

Electric power, like mechanical power, is the rate of doing work, measured in watts, and represented by the letter P. The term wattage is used colloquially to mean "electric power in watts." The electric power in watts produced by an electric current I consisting of a charge of Q coulombs every tseconds passing through an electric potential (voltage) difference of V is
P = \text{work done per unit time} = \frac {QV}{t} = IV \,
Q is electric charge in coulombs
t is time in seconds
I is electric current in amperes
V is electric potential or voltage in volts
Electric power is equal to work unit.
The relationship between real power, reactive power and apparent power can be expressed by representing the quantities as vectors. Real power is represented as a horizontal vector and reactive power is represented as a vertical vector. The apparent power vector is the hypotenuse of a right triangle formed by connecting the real and reactive power vectors. This representation is often called the power triangle. Using the Pythagorean Theorem, the relationship among real, reactive and apparent power is:
\mbox{(apparent power)}^2 = \mbox{(real power)}^2 + \mbox{(reactive power)}^2
Real and reactive powers can also be calculated directly from the apparent power, when the current and voltage are both sinusoids with a known phase angle θ between them:
\mbox{(real power)} = \mbox {(apparent power)}\cos(\theta)
\mbox{(reactive power)} = \mbox {(apparent power)}\sin(\theta)
The ratio of real power to apparent power is called power factor and is a number always between 0 and 1. Where the currents and voltages have non-sinusoidal forms, power factor is generalized to include the effects of distortion.
Electrical power flows wherever electric and magnetic fields exist together and fluctuate in the same place. The simplest example of this is in electrical circuits, as the preceding section showed. In the general case, however, the simple equation P = IV must be replaced by a more complex calculation, the integral of the cross-product of the electrical and magnetic field vectors over a specified area, thus:

P = \int_S (\mathbf{E} \times \mathbf{H}) \cdot \mathbf{dA}. \,

Electrical engineering all circuit symbols

Electrical symbols and electronic circuit symbols are used for drawing schematic diagram.
The symbols represent electrical and electronic components.

Table of Electrical Symbols

  1. SymbolComponent nameMeaning

    Wire Symbols

    electrical wire symbolElectrical WireConductor of electrical current
    connected wires symbolConnected WiresConnected crossing
    unconnected wires symbolNot Connected WiresWires are not connected

    Switch Symbols and Relay Symbols

    SPST switch symbolSPST Toggle SwitchDisconnects current when open
    SPDT switch symbolSPDT Toggle SwitchSelects between two connections
    push button symbolPushbutton Switch (N.O)Momentary switch - normally open
    push button symbolPushbutton Switch (N.C)Momentary switch - normally closed
    dip switch symbolDIP SwitchDIP switch is used for onboard configuration
    spst relay symbolSPST RelayRelay open / close connection by an electromagnet
    spdt relay symbolSPDT Relay
    jumper symbolJumperClose connection by jumper insertion on pins.
    solder bridge symbolSolder BridgeSolder to close connection

    Ground Symbols

    earth  ground symbolEarth GroundUsed for zero potential reference and electrical shock protection.
    chassis symbolChassis GroundConnected to the chassis of the circuit
    common digital ground symbolDigital / Common Ground 

    Resistor Symbols

    resistor symbolResistor (IEEE)Resistor reduces the current flow.
    resistor symbolResistor (IEC)
    potentiomemer symbolPotentiometer (IEEE)Adjustable resistor - has 3 terminals.
    potentiometer symbolPotentiometer (IEC)
    variable resistor symbolVariable Resistor / Rheostat(IEEE)Adjustable resistor - has 2 terminals.
    variable resistor symbolVariable Resistor / Rheostat(IEC)
    Trimmer ResistorPreset resistor
    ThermistorThermal resistor - change resistance when temperature changes
    Photoresistor / Light dependent resistor (LDR)Photo-resistor - change resistance with light intensity change

    Capacitor Symbols

    CapacitorCapacitor is used to store electric charge. It acts as short circuit with AC and open circuit with DC.
    capacitor symbolCapacitor
    polarized capacitor symbolPolarized CapacitorElectrolytic capacitor
    polarized capacitor symbolPolarized CapacitorElectrolytic capacitor
    variable capacitor symbolVariable CapacitorAdjustable capacitance

    Inductor / Coil Symbols

    inductor symbolInductorCoil / solenoid that generates magnetic field
    iron core inductor symbolIron Core InductorIncludes iron
    variable core inductor symbolVariable Inductor 

    Power Supply Symbols

    voltage source symbolVoltage SourceGenerates constant voltage
    current source symbolCurrent SourceGenerates constant current.
    ac power source symbolAC Voltage SourceAC voltage source
    generator symbolGeneratorElectrical voltage is generated by mechanical rotation of the generator
    battery cell symbolBattery CellGenerates constant voltage
    battery symbolBatteryGenerates constant voltage
    controlled voltage source symbolControlled Voltage SourceGenerates voltage as a function of voltage or current of other circuit element.
    controlled current source symbolControlled Current SourceGenerates current as a function of voltage or current of other circuit element.

    Meter Symbols

    voltmeter symbolVoltmeterMeasures voltage. Has very high resistance. Connected in parallel.
    ammeter symbolAmmeterMeasures electric current. Has near zero resistance. Connected serially.
    ohmmeter symbolOhmmeterMeasures resistance
    wattmeter symbolWattmeterMeasures electric power

    Lamp / Light Bulb Symbols

    lamp symbolLamp / light bulbGenerates light when current flows through
    lamp symbolLamp / light bulb
    lamp symbolLamp / light bulb

    Diode / LED Symbols

    diode symbolDiodeDiode allows current flow in one direction only (left to right).
    zener diodeZener DiodeAllows current flow in one direction, but also can flow in the reverse direction when above breakdown voltage
    schottky diode symbolSchottky DiodeSchottky diode is a diode with low voltage drop
    varicap diode symbolVaractor / Varicap DiodeVariable capacitance diode
    tunnel diode symbolTunnel Diode 
    led symbolLight Emitting Diode (LED)LED emits light when current flows through
    photodiode symbolPhotodiodePhotodiode allows current flow when exposed to light

    Transistor Symbols

    npn transistor symbolNPN Bipolar TransistorAllows current flow when high potential at base (middle)
    pnp transistor symbolPNP Bipolar TransistorAllows current flow when low potential at base (middle)
    darlington transistor symbolDarlington TransistorMade from 2 bipolar transistors. Has total gain of the product of each gain.
    JFET-N transistor symbolJFET-N TransistorN-channel field effect transistor
    JFET-P transistor symbolJFET-P TransistorP-channel field effect transistor
    nmos transistor symbolNMOS TransistorN-channel MOSFET transistor
    pmos transistor symbolPMOS TransistorP-channel MOSFET transistor

    Misc. Symbols

    motor symbolMotorElectric motor
    transformer symbolTransformerChange AC voltage from high to low or low to high.
    Electric bellRings when activated
    BuzzerProduce buzzing sound
    fuse symbolFuseThe fuse disconnects when current above threshold. Used to protect circuit from high currents.
    fuse symbolFuse
    bus symbolBusContains several wires. Usually for data / address.
    bus symbolBus
    bus symbolBus
    optocoupler symbolOptocoupler / Opto-isolatorOptocoupler isolates onnection to other board
    speaker symbolLoudspeakerConverts electrical signal to sound waves
    microphone symbolMicrophoneConverts sound waves to electrical signal
    operational amplifier symbolOperational AmplifierAmplify input signal
    schmitt trigger symbolSchmitt TriggerOperates with hysteresis to reduce noise.
    Analog-to-digital converter (ADC)Converts analog signal to digital numbers
    Digital-to-Analog converter (DAC)Converts digital numbers to analog signal
    crystal oscillator symbolCrystal OscillatorUsed to generate precise frequency clock signal

    Antenna Symbols

    antenna symbolAntenna / aerialTransmits & receives radio waves
    antenna symbolAntenna / aerial
    dipole antenna symbolDipole AntennaTwo wires simple antenna

    Logic Gates Symbols

    NOT gate symbolNOT Gate (Inverter)Outputs 1 when input is 0
    AND gate symbolAND GateOutputs 1 when both inputs are 1.
    NAND gate symbolNAND GateOutputs 0 when both inputs are 1. (NOT + AND)
    OR gate symbolOR GateOutputs 1 when any input is 1.
    NOR gate symbolNOR GateOutputs 0 when any input is 1. (NOT + OR)
    XOR gate symbolXOR GateOutputs 1 when inputs are different. (Exclusive OR)
    D flip flop symbolD Flip-FlopStores one bit of data
    mux symbolMultiplexer / Mux 2 to 1Connects the output to  selected input line.
    mux symbolMultiplexer / Mux 4 to 1
    demux symbolDemultiplexer / Demux 1 to 4Connects selected output to the input line.

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