Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Circuit Notes

Any number of normally open switches may be used. Fit the mercury switches so that they close when the steering is moved or when the bike is lifted off its side-stand or pushed forward off its centre-stand. Use micro-switches to protect removable panels and the lids of panniers etc. While at least one switch remains closed, the siren will sound. About two minutes after the switches have been opened again, the alarm will reset. How long it takes to switch off depends on the characteristics of the actual components used. But, up to a point, you can adjust the time to suit your requirements by changing the value of C1.

The circuit board and switches must be protected from the elements. Dampness or condensation will cause malfunction. Without its terminal blocks, the board is small. Ideally, you should try to find a siren with enough spare space inside to accommodate it. Fit a 1-amp in-line fuse close to the power source. This protects the wiring. Instead of using a key-switch you can use a hidden switch; or you could use the normally closed contacts of a small relay. Wire the relay coil so that it is energized while the ignition is on. Then every time you turn the ignition off, the alarm will set itself.

When it's not sounding, the circuit uses virtually no current. This should make it useful in other circumstances. For example, powered by dry batteries and with the relay and siren voltages to suit, it could be fitted inside a computer or anything else that's in danger of being picked up and carried away. The low standby current and automatic reset means that for this sort of application an external on/off switch may not be necessary.


Mini variable power supply

T1 steps down AC voltage from 115VAC (or 220VAC) to about 8VAC and is then rectified via bridge rectifier BR1 to about 11.52Vdc. C1 filters off the AC ripple. If you find the circuit output too noisy add another electrolytic capacitor over the output terminals. Value can be between 10 and 100uF/25V. The output voltage is variable with the 10K-potentiometer while keeping the current constant.

T1 = 115/8 VAC transformer. Center Tap not needed.
Q1 = 2N1613, NTE128, or substitute. (TO-39 case) On coolrib!
BR1 = 40V, 4A. (Check max current of your mini-drill and add 2A)
R1 = 470 ohm, 5%
R2 = 1K, 5%
P1 = Potentiometer, 10K
C1 = 1000uF, 25V, electrolytic
C2 = 0.1uF (100nF), ceramic

 Photo: Mini variable power supply :
T1 steps down AC voltage from 115VAC (or 220VAC) to about 8VAC and is then rectified via bridge rectifier BR1 to about 11.52Vdc. C1 filters off the AC ripple. If you find the circuit output too noisy add another electrolytic capacitor over the output terminals. Value can be between 10 and 100uF/25V. The output voltage is variable with the 10K-potentiometer while keeping the current constant.

T1 = 115/8 VAC transformer. Center Tap not needed.
Q1 = 2N1613, NTE128, or substitute. (TO-39 case) On coolrib!
BR1 = 40V, 4A. (Check max current of your mini-drill and add 2A)
R1 = 470 ohm, 5%
R2 = 1K, 5%
P1 = Potentiometer, 10K
C1 = 1000uF, 25V, electrolytic
C2 = 0.1uF (100nF), ceramic

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Difference between IGBT and MOSFET:

1. Although both IGBT and MOSFET are voltage controlled devices, IGBT has a BJT like conduction characteristics.

2. Terminals of IGBT are known as emitter, collector, and gate, whereas MOSFET is made of gate, source, and drain.

3. IGBTs are better in power handling than MOSFETS

4. IGBT has PN junctions, and MOSFETs doesn’t have them.

5. IGBT has a lower forward voltage drop compared to MOSFET

6. MOSFET has a long history compared to IGBT

Correct placement and use of ammeter and voltmeter.

Photo: Correct placement and use of ammeter and voltmeter.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How Dimmer Switches Work ?

If you hook up a really cheap dimmer switch, you may notice a strange buzzing noise. This comes from vibrations in the bulb filament caused by the chopped-up current coming from the triac. 
If you've read How Electromagnets Work, you know that electricity flowing through a coiled length of wire generates a substantial magnetic field, and fluctuating current generates a fluctuating magnetic field. If you've read How Light Bulbs Work, you know that the filament at the heart of a light bulb is just a coiled length of wire. It makes sense, then, that this coiled filament becomes magnetic whenever you pass current through it, and the magnetic field fluctuates with the AC current.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Why synchronous generators are used for the production of electricity?

synchronous machines have capability to work on different power factor (or say different imaginary power varying the field emf.)Hence syn. generators r used for the production of electricity.

Photo: Why synchronous generators are used for the production of electricity?

synchronous machines have capability to work on different power factor (or say
different imaginary power varying the field emf.)
Hence syn. generators r used for the production of electricity.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

12 volt dc from ac 120 create

Anything else that is:
1. 3055 transdistor
2. Rejistena of 220 ohama, 22 ohama
3. 12 -0-12 and trarnasaphrarmara
4. 12 Volt Battery

I like cieera See the connection and battery line is a word athat sakita does not work
Bidyah circuit during the hands or by touching something that we take rsaka

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Capacitor Wiring Diagram

Photo: Capacitor Wiring Diagram

What is 2 phase motor?

A two phase motor is often a motor with the the starting winding and the running winding have a phase split. e. g; ac servo motor. where the auxiliary winding and the control winding have a phase split of 90 degree.

● Ques:What is slip in an induction motor?

● Ans:Slip can be defined as the distinction between the flux speed (Ns) and the rotor speed (N). Speed of the rotor of an induction motor is always less than its synchronous speed. It is usually expressed as a percentage of synchronous speed (Ns) and represented by the symbol ‘S’.

 Photo: ● Ques: What is 2 phase motor?

● Ans: A two phase motor is often a motor with the the starting winding and the running winding have a phase split. e. g; ac servo motor. where the auxiliary winding and the control winding have a phase split of 90 degree.

● Ques:What is slip in an induction motor?

● Ans:Slip can be defined as the distinction between the flux speed (Ns) and the rotor speed (N). Speed of the rotor of an induction motor is always less than its synchronous speed. It is usually expressed as a percentage of synchronous speed (Ns) and represented by the symbol ‘S’.

Admin:  ▆ █ █ ▆ ▅

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Optical fiber difficulty and Use

Optical fiber difficulty:
1. Kamunikesane optical fiber installation cost is much higher than in the first.
2.The Fragile optical fiber More than a specified amount of skew can. Bent U shape so it can not be used where there is a low skew is required.

3. By Chemical ephektateda may be - such as hydrogen gas (Under Water Transmission's case).

Photo: অপটিক্যাল ফাইবার নিয়ে চেইন পর্বের আজ দিবো চতুর্থ পর্ব- 
■ অপটিক্যাল ফাইবার (পর্ব-৪): 

►অপটিক্যাল ফাইবারের অসুবিধাঃ

১. অপটিক্যাল ফাইবার কমুনিকেশনে প্রথম ইন্সটলেশন খরচ অনেক বেশী।
২. অপটিক্যাল ফাইবার ভঙ্গুর। একটা নিদিষ্ট পরিমান এর বেশি বাঁকানো যায়না। একে U আকৃতিতে বাঁকানো যায়না তাই যেখানে কম বাঁকানো প্রয়োজন হয় শুধু সেখানেই ব্যাবহার করা যায়।
৩. কেমিক্যাল দ্বারা এফেক্টটেড হতে পারে যেমন- হাইড্রোজেন গ্যাস দ্বারা (আন্ডার ওয়াটার ট্রান্সমিশন এর ক্ষেত্রে)।
৪. কপার তারের চেয়ে অপটিক্যাল ফাইবারে প্রটেকশন বেশি জরুরী। একবার কাটলে জোরা দেওয়া জটিল।
৫. মেইনটেইন করতে এক্সপার্ট লোকের প্রয়োজন হয় ।

►অপটিক্যাল ফাইবারের ব্যাবহারঃ

১. অপটিক্যাল ফাইবার সাধারণত টেলিযোগাযোগের ক্ষেত্রে বহুল ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে।
২. টান, তাপমাত্রা, চাপ ও আরো অনেক উপাত্ত সংগ্রহের মাধ্যম (Sensor) হিসেবে অপ্টিক্যাল ফাইবারকে ব্যবহার করা যায়।
৩. সেসিমিক সোনারের হাইড্রোফোন হিসেবে অপটিক্যাল ফাইবার ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে। ১০০ এর বেশি সেন্সর নিয়ে হাইড্রোফোন সিস্টেম তৈরি হয়েছে।
৪. তেল শিল্পে হাইড্রোফোন সেন্সর সিস্টেম ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে।
৫. লেজার মাইক্রোফোন তৈরিতে ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে ।
৬. বোয়িং ৭৬৭ এর অপটিক্যাল গাইরোস্কোপ সেন্সর হিসেবেও অপটিক্যাল ফাইবার ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে ।
৭. কোন কোন গাড়ীতেও আজকাল অপটিক্যাল ফাইবার ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে।
৮. এছাড়া আলোকসজ্জা ও ছবি সম্পাদনার কাজেও বর্তমানে ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে।

■ আর যারা ৩য় পর্ব মিস করেছেন তাদের জন্য ৩য় পর্বের লিঙ্ক > 

(লেখাটি ভালো লাগলে লাইক ও বন্ধুদের জানাতে শেয়ার করুন)

★★Created BY>Admin> ★★
4. Copper wire is more important than the protection of optical phaibare. Once the complex katale Zoran.

5. People need to Maintain Expert

 Use of Optical fiber:
 1. Optical fiber is widely used in the field of telecommunication.
2.The Tension, temperature, pressure, and many more data storage media (Sensor) can be used as a aptikyala phaibarake.

3. Optical fiber is used as sesimika sonarera haidrophona. Haidrophona system has been created with more than 100 sensors.

4. Oil industry haidrophona sensor system being used.

5. Laser is used to create the microphone.

6. Gairoskopa Boeing 767's optical sensor is used as an optical fiber.

7. This optical fiber is used in any car.

8. It is currently being used for illumination and image editing.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Whistle Responder project

Beeps when hears your whistle
A gadget suitable for key-holders, games etc.

R1_____________22K 1/4W Resistor
R2_____________10K 1/4W Resistor
R3______________4M7 1/4W Resistor
R4,R8_________100K 1/4W Resistors
R5____________220R 1/4W Resistor
R6____________330K 1/4W Resistor
R7_____________47K 1/4W Resistor
R9______________2M2 1/4W Resistor
R10_____________1M5 1/4W Resistor

C1,C5__________47nF 63V Polyester or Ceramic Capacitors
C2,C3__________10nF 63V Polyester Capacitors
C4,C6___________1µF 63V Electrolytic Capacitors

D1,D2________1N4148 75V 150mA Diodes

IC1____________4049 Hex Inverter IC

Q1____________BC337 45V 800mA NPN Transistor

MIC1_________Miniature electret microphone

BZ1__________Piezo sounder (incorporating 3KHz oscillator)

B1___________2.8 or 3V Battery (see notes)

Power supply range: 2.6 to 3.6 Volts.
Standing current: 150µA.
Depending on dimensions of your box, you can choose from a wide variety of battery types:
2 x 1.5 V batteries type: AA, AAA, AAAA, button clock-type, photo-camera type & others.
2 x 1.4 V mercury batteries, button clock-type.
1 x 3 V or 1 x 3.6 V Lithium cells.

 Photo: Whistle Responder project 

Beeps when hears your whistle
A gadget suitable for key-holders, games etc.

R1_____________22K 1/4W Resistor
R2_____________10K 1/4W Resistor
R3______________4M7 1/4W Resistor
R4,R8_________100K 1/4W Resistors
R5____________220R 1/4W Resistor
R6____________330K 1/4W Resistor
R7_____________47K 1/4W Resistor
R9______________2M2 1/4W Resistor
R10_____________1M5 1/4W Resistor

C1,C5__________47nF 63V Polyester or Ceramic Capacitors
C2,C3__________10nF 63V Polyester Capacitors
C4,C6___________1µF 63V Electrolytic Capacitors

D1,D2________1N4148 75V 150mA Diodes

IC1____________4049 Hex Inverter IC

Q1____________BC337 45V 800mA NPN Transistor

MIC1_________Miniature electret microphone

BZ1__________Piezo sounder (incorporating 3KHz oscillator)

B1___________2.8 or 3V Battery (see notes)

Power supply range: 2.6 to 3.6 Volts.
Standing current: 150µA.
Depending on dimensions of your box, you can choose from a wide variety of battery types:
2 x 1.5 V batteries type: AA, AAA, AAAA, button clock-type, photo-camera type & others.
2 x 1.4 V mercury batteries, button clock-type.
1 x 3 V or 1 x 3.6 V Lithium cells.

P & P (PNP) transistors to determine

P n P (PNP) tranajistarera the two pin negative (-) and a pin is positive (+) is. See the following figure, Figure madhyakhanera pin down the (+) Common pin. In the case of m positive pinata tranajistarera madhyakhanera pins (2nam) to connect and m negative pinata first tranajistarera 1 of the pin and the next 3 pin connection, and the connection of the two meters of the show will (if P ena P (PNP) the transistors), usually in the way we ena P & P (PNP) transistors can be determined.
 Photo: পি এণ পি (PNP) ট্রানজিস্টর নির্ণয়,

পি এন পি (PNP) ট্রানজিস্টরের ক্ষেত্রে দুইটা পিন নেগেটিভ (-) এবং একটা পিন পজিটিভ (+) হয়। নিচের চিত্রে দেখুন, চিত্র অনুযায়ী মধ্যখানের পিন টা (+) কমন পিন। এ ক্ষেত্রে মিটারের পজিটিভ পিনটা ট্রানজিস্টরের মধ্যখানের পিনের (২নং) সাথে সংযোগ করতে হবে এবং মিটারের নেগেটিভ পিনটা প্রথম বার ট্রানজিস্টরের ১নং পিনে ও পরের বার ৩নং পিনে সংযোগ করতে হবে, এভাবে সংযোগ করলে দুই বার মিটারের কাটা শো করবে (যদি পি এণ পি (PNP) ট্রানজিস্টর হয়), সাধারণত এ ভাবেই আমরা পি এণ পি (PNP) ট্রানজিস্টর নির্ণয় করতে পারি।
যদিও আজকে ট্রানজিস্টর নিয়া ২ টা পোস্ট দেওয়ার কথা ছিল কিন্তু সময় স্বল্পতার কারনে ১ টা দিলাম। ইনশাআল্লাহ্‌ আগামী কাল বাকি টা দিব।

What is Chiller?

A chiller is a machine that removes heat from a liquid via a vapor-compression or absorption refrigeration cycle. This liquid can then be circulated through a heat exchanger to cool air or equipment as required. As a necessary byproduct, refrigeration creates waste heat that must be exhausted to ambient or, for greater efficiency, recovered for heating purposes. Concerns in design and selection of chillers include performance, efficiency, maintenance, and product life cycle environmental impact.
 Photo: ■ Chiller: 

A chiller is a machine that removes heat from a liquid via a vapor-compression or absorption refrigeration cycle. This liquid can then be circulated through a heat exchanger to cool air or equipment as required. As a necessary byproduct, refrigeration creates waste heat that must be exhausted to ambient or, for greater efficiency, recovered for heating purposes. Concerns in design and selection of chillers include performance, efficiency, maintenance, and product life cycle environmental impact.

■ Admin: ■

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