Monday, June 10, 2013

Do u know about the electric shock?

From 0 to 0.5 mA - no sensation
1 mA - threshold of perception
From 1 to 3mA - weak sensation
From 3 to 10 mA - painful sensation
10 mA - threshold of muscular
contraction in the arms
30 mA - threshold of respiratory
75 mA to 100 mA - threshold of cardiac
fibrillation (probability 0.5%)
250 mA - cardiac fibrillation with
99.5% probability (for an exposure
time of 5 seconds)
4A - threshold of cardiac paralysis
(sudden stoppage of the heart)
5A - burning of organic tissues
The magnitude of the applied voltage
necessary to produce dangerous
current values depends on the
resistance of the body, where body
resistance varies between wide limits.
Between hand and foot, for example,
assuming good electrical contact, the
resistance is about 500 Ohms ,
excluding skin resistance. The skin
resistance varies from about 1000
Ohms /cm^2 for wet skin to about 3 x
10^5 Ohms /cm^2 for dry skin.
Now think what will happen to your tissues

 Photo: Do u know about the electric shock?
From 0 to 0.5 mA - no sensation
1 mA - threshold of perception
From 1 to 3mA - weak sensation
From 3 to 10 mA - painful sensation
10 mA - threshold of muscular
contraction in the arms
30 mA - threshold of respiratory
75 mA to 100 mA - threshold of cardiac
fibrillation (probability 0.5%)
250 mA - cardiac fibrillation with
99.5% probability (for an exposure
time of 5 seconds)
4A - threshold of cardiac paralysis
(sudden stoppage of the heart)
5A - burning of organic tissues
The magnitude of the applied voltage
necessary to produce dangerous
current values depends on the
resistance of the body, where body
resistance varies between wide limits.
Between hand and foot, for example,
assuming good electrical contact, the
resistance is about 500 Ohms ,
excluding skin resistance. The skin
resistance varies from about 1000
Ohms /cm^2 for wet skin to about 3 x
10^5 Ohms /cm^2 for dry skin.
Now think what will happen to your tissues

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