Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What is the difference between transformer and auto-transformer?

A typical transformer has two windings.. the primary and the secondary of which the two windings are not electrically connected..
An auto transformer, there is only one winding that acts as the primary and a portion of it as the secondary winding. The primary and secondary windings are electrically connected.This is the main  difference between transformer and auto-transformer

Photo: What is the difference between transformer and auto-transformer?

A typical transformer has two windings.. the primary and the secondary of which the two windings are not electrically connected..

An auto transformer, there is only one winding that acts as the primary and a portion of it as the secondary winding. The primary and secondary windings are electrically connected.

1 comment:

  1. Hi very nice blog regarding Auto Transformers. Found it very useful. Thanks for posting.



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