Sunday, June 9, 2013

Which is more dangerous AC or DC ?

■ Ans:
 DC is more dangerous than AC for a given voltage.

DC (Direct Current ) is flowing in the same direction and can be a very smooth source of power. By smooth I mean that its voltage doesn't change much

AC (Alternating Current) flows in a back and forth direction . AC is always changing its voltage level from some max positive value to some max negative value. As a result of this constant changing AC voltage reaches zero volts for a breif instant. This is what makes AC slightly less dangerous than DC. When AC reaches zero volts you might have an opportunity to move your muscles if you were being shocked and maybe disconnect yourself from the electricity . Also the bidirectional flow of AC through your muscles will make your muscles twitch rather than contract in one direction like DC will.

DC being unidirectional (flowing in the same direction) will cause your muscles to contract in a given direction and stay contracted. So if you grabed a wire, DC can make your muscles contract to hold on. AC causes muscles to contract in different direction as the flow of current changes direction. SO if you grab on to an AC wire the fluttering muscles in your hand won't grab and hold on as tightly. You have a better chance of releasing your grip from an AC wire or having your hand knocked away by someone else because AC is not making you grip as hard as DC would.

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